Benefits of Diabetic Socks

seamfree_silverThere are a number of physical concerns that can affect a diabetic’s quality of life. Though many may not realize it, one of the most worrisome areas of concern lies quite literally at a diabetic’s feet. For people suffering from this condition, the feet are often one of the most vulnerable areas on the body as it is susceptible to a number of painful lacerations and blisters. Thanks to neuropathy and the sensitive, weakened state of a diabetic’s feet, diabetic socks have become a vital tool in helping prevent dangerous, possibly infectious injuries.

While many people realize the potential peril that may lay at a diabetics feet, many feel the diabetic socks are little more than just another cost. On the contrary, diabetic socks offer a number of benefits that are vital to improving the quality of life for a diabetic. Below are just a few ways that diabetic socks can help people suffering from diabetes.

Dry Feet

When feet sweat and moisten the sock, the sock could cling to the foot and cause added friction. That friction could result in cuts, blisters and other painful blemishes on the diabetic’s sensitive feet. Diabetic socks are made of materials that wick away sweat and promote dry feet. By wearing these drier socks, a diabetic can potentially prevent a number of painful issues.

Reduced Infection

As mentioned, conventional socks become more dangerous to diabetics when they get sweaty. Sweaty socks are a breeding ground for bacteria—something dangerous enough on its own, but much worse when coupled with open wounds that can also be caused by damp socks. With dry socks, a diabetic can better protect him or herself from infection.

Reduced Pressure

Conventional socks tend to wrinkle and bunch up in spots. This leads to added pressure on the diabetic’s foot, which could lead to a much less comfortable walking experience. Diabetic socks are typically made of wrinkle-proof fabrics, which go a long way in relieving additional pressure.

Reduced Irritation

Most conventional socks feature thick seams. For a diabetic, these seams can cause a lot of irritation, pain and maybe even cuts and blisters. Diabetic socks, however, are seamless. This greatly reduces the chances of developing any of the agonizing sores or blisters that can plague a diabetic.

Better Circulation.

Unlike conventional socks, diabetic socks do not have tight binding at the top. This allows better blood flow and better circulation, something that becomes even more crucial once diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetic socks are created to be less restrictive, allowing blood circulation to occur more easily.

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