Compression Socks vs. Diabetic Socks: The Benefits and Differences

hand pointing at foot wearing compression sock

If you have diabetes, it’s important to address health issues linked to your condition. One common health issue is problems with poor blood flow in your legs and loss of feeling in your feet. Many people with diabetes suffer from nerve damage in their lower legs and feet which can lead to skin infections, foot sores, and neuropathy, numbness and pain in the feet. If you’re diagnosed with diabetes, protecting your legs and feet with diabetic socks is essential to prevent serious health problems.

Creative Care specializes in diabetic socks and compression socks that promote proper blood flow and prevent injuries to your legs and feet. Although different, both types of socks offer numerous health benefits to anyone suffering with diabetes.

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How Can Compression Socks Benefit People Without Diabetes?

seniors with diabetic compression socksFoot and leg care is a big part of living with diabetes, which is why Creative Care products such as compression socks are so important.

They’re designed to help relieve aching legs by using a stronger elastic, which helps soothe foot-related discomfort.  They prevent blood clots and can increase circulation, making them useful for patients who are bed-ridden or otherwise inactive.

But are these socks useful for people without diabetes? Ask anyone who’s run a marathon. Runners have used them for years to increase oxygen delivery, prevent cramping and reduce fatigue.

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What Type of Diabetic Socks Do I Need?

compression socks are one type of diabetic footwear

Do I Need to Use Diabetic Socks?

If you’ve already been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re probably well aware of the fact that any nerve damage you’ve already suffered can lead to a potentially dangerous loss of feeling in your hands, arms, legs and feet.

That’s why the use of diabetic socks is so crucially important: Hurting your feet but never realizing it is a very real possibility for diabetics.

And so some diabetic socks designs are extra-thick, and will reduce the chance of damage to your feet when the coldest winter weather hits. Most are also seamless and non-constricting.

But before you actually purchase a pair, take a few minutes to read up on the benefits and differences of each separate style.

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Keep Warm this Fall with Diabetic Socks

Diabetic socks will keep you warm on crisp autumn days and chilly autumn nights

Behold the fall. The changing leaves, the refreshing breeze, and the bursts of color − transformation is in the air.

Along with the delightful and picturesque changes that come with the season, one less desirable characteristic of fall, especially for those with diabetes, is the return of cold feet. Diabetics are more prone to foot problems, and according to the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society, there are two main reasons why people with diabetes must be especially careful when it comes to the health of their feet:

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AFO Liner Socks For Diabetics

AFO Liner Socks For DiabeticsThe ability to maintain balance is essential for performing the activities of daily life.

The ability of the body to maintain balance is based on complex coordination between the sensory systems, including anticipating environmental clues, responding to variations, and maintaining the body’s center of gravity. Disruption in any one of the sensory systems (visual, vestibular, and somatosensory) results in spatial disorientation, and varying degrees of unsteadiness, or imbalance.

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Regular Socks Do Diabetics’ Feet a Real Disservice

Diabetic Socks - Dry Feet SocksHearing the diagnosis that increased insulin sensitivity means you have type-2 diabetes can be a shock and trying to figure out what to do next can feel overwhelming. Most people know the basics: talk with a doctor about any medication they recommend to ameliorate the condition, start an approved diet and exercise plan to help maintain a healthy weight and so on. Yet many may not know that there are certain complications of the disease that require special care, specifically neuropathy and nerve damage. It’s why diabetic socks make sense for patients looking to minimize injury.

Alarming Statistics for Diabetics

Recent improvements in blood sugar control and other techniques used to help diabetes patients has decreased the likelihood of amputation of the lower limbs, yet one in 500 women and three times as many men will face the loss of a foot or leg each year. Those numbers grow as patients age.

Those rates are particularly concerning due to the increase in type-2 diabetes diagnoses in the United States. There are more than 25 million adults with type-1 or type-2 diabetes and the latter number is growing, in part because of problems with obesity. While a doctor with the Centers for Disease Control, Nilka Rios Burrows, noted that the numbers are dropping, “more work is needed.” One way to do that is with a comprehensive care plan that includes diabetic socks.

Government Recommendations for Diabetic Sock Use

The National Institutes of Health note that caring for one’s feet plays a critical role in limiting the ravages of diabetic neuropathy. While following these steps will not necessarily limit the extent of nerve damage nor reverse the process, it will limit the complications of sores and ulcers: Continue Reading Regular Socks Do Diabetics’ Feet a Real Disservice

Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

Diabetic socks, compression socks

Compression Socks – basic diabetic care products to help avoid complications.

When patients are first diagnosed with insulin sensitivity, they can find a bevy of information online and advice from their doctor regarding the basics such as the complications of risks of heart disease and blindness, kidney damage. Further, the common treatments include medications that help promote pancreatic cell growth in addition to dietary and other lifestyle changes. With the advent of research on other systems in the body and related disorders, it is important to be aware of these rarer issues for people with type-2 diabetes or who were diagnosed as children.

Get Teeth Checked and Consistent Periodontal  Care

There is mounting research that taking care of one’s teeth and gums play a key role in immune health and limiting the potential for complications from diabetes and other diseases that develop as people age. While there are some questions about the limits of the efficacy of periodontal interventions, the professional association of these medical professionals note that “intensive treatment” can still play a role in helping diabetic patients achieve their goals for glycemic control because, as Dr. Stuart J. Froum told DentistryIQ, “a number of population suggest … there is indeed a relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease.” More research may help understand how these links work. Continue Reading Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

New Studies Indicate Importance of Exercise, Diet for Type-2 Diabetes Patients

Diabetes Socks - Circulation SocksRecent research on cardiovascular health and problems with blood sugar have focused on preventing insulin sensitivity rather than how to help people who have type-2 diabetes cope with their condition. However, at least one study published in the British Medical Journal found that people with this chronic condition may be able to reduce the risk of future heart disease by working out, whether or not one uses specialized clothing including diabetes socks.

The Findings of Exercise to Minimize Cardiovascular Disease in Patients

Scientists and medical professionals at the London School of Economics, Harvard Medical School and Stanford University analyzed several dozen trials. They found that there was a similar efficacy for people who exercised regularly in limiting the effects of heart disease, as well as those who were at risk of developing type-2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.

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Benefits of Diabetic Socks

seamfree_silverThere are a number of physical concerns that can affect a diabetic’s quality of life. Though many may not realize it, one of the most worrisome areas of concern lies quite literally at a diabetic’s feet. For people suffering from this condition, the feet are often one of the most vulnerable areas on the body as it is susceptible to a number of painful lacerations and blisters. Thanks to neuropathy and the sensitive, weakened state of a diabetic’s feet, diabetic socks have become a vital tool in helping prevent dangerous, possibly infectious injuries.

While many people realize the potential peril that may lay at a diabetics feet, many feel the diabetic socks are little more than just another cost. On the contrary, diabetic socks offer a number of benefits that are vital to improving the quality of life for a diabetic. Below are just a few ways that diabetic socks can help people suffering from diabetes.

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Introducing the Diabetic Sock Blog

Welcome to Creative Care’s new diabetic sock blog! As a proud provider of diabetic socks, compression socks, body sleeves and more, we’re excited to start this new blog as a resource for anyone interested in learning more about our products, their benefits and how they can relieve some of the many burdens diabetics face on a daily basis.

Why the Need for a Diabetic Sock Blog?

healthy_solesCreative Care realizes that being diagnosed with diabetes can lead to a number of changes in a person’s life. Eating differently, getting more exercise, monitoring blood sugar—these are just some of the major changes a diabetic has to endure. To help ease this transition, we will be posting information and news as a way of aiding those affected by this disease. On top of that, we’ll explain the benefits of our socks and how they can relieve some of the stress and pain diabetics may feel on their feet.

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