How Can Compression Socks Benefit People Without Diabetes?

seniors with diabetic compression socksFoot and leg care is a big part of living with diabetes, which is why Creative Care products such as compression socks are so important.

They’re designed to help relieve aching legs by using a stronger elastic, which helps soothe foot-related discomfort.  They prevent blood clots and can increase circulation, making them useful for patients who are bed-ridden or otherwise inactive.

But are these socks useful for people without diabetes? Ask anyone who’s run a marathon. Runners have used them for years to increase oxygen delivery, prevent cramping and reduce fatigue.

Among their other benefits:

  • If your exercise routine takes you through the woods, compression socks can protect your legs against scratches and scrapes and poison ivy.
  • Compression socks are designed to limit swelling, especially if you’ll be on your feet all day.
  • They’ll help keep your legs clean, and keep you warm during the colder months.

In addition to their use in the athletic world, these socks can help people with conditions that involve swelling such as varicose veins or lymphedema.

If you want to learn more about compression socks, or other socks designed for people with diabetes, visit Creative Care’s website.

We’ve spent more than 30 years helping make sure people who live with diabetes are wearing the right footwear, and designing our diabetic socks to last just as long as regular socks.

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