Extreme Heat: What Diabetics Need to Know

three vintage wall thermometers

We all enjoy summer, but with record-breaking high temperatures being recorded across the U.S — and a deadly heatwave sweeping Europe — it is important for everyone to take care to avoid heat-related ailments. For people with diabetes and other medical conditions, it is even more critical to take extra precautions during these hot months.

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Location, Location, Location: Diabetes and Geography

close-up of hand placing red pins on a map (geography concept)

A new study by Jacques Lowe of the Carle Illinois College of Medicine has shown that Florida and Texas have a high percentage of people with long-term and short-term diabetes complications. Such research could help the government direct medical support to where it is needed most. The findings are also a call for you to test for diabetes if you live in the hot-spot areas.

The researchers created a map of the hot-spot areas in the US, showing various diabetic complications and the demographic information of these areas. These complications include nerve damage, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and oral, foot, and vision problems.

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Are Coronavirus Patients Developing Diabetes? What You Need to Know

Diabetic man being administered glucose test; wearing mask as COVID precaution

Ever since the first few cases of COVID-19 were reported, scientists and medical professionals have been wary about the condition’s effects. COVID-19 is said to have both short and long-term effects. One of the recent developments in researching the effects of COVID is the shocking link it has to diabetes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, patients who contracted coronavirus were more likely to develop diabetes. The data involved more than 500,000 patients aged 18 or lower. Similar studies from across the world have yielded similar results.

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Sorting Diabetes Fact from Fiction

chalkboard with red "myths" arrow pointing left and green "facts" arrow pointing right

There are many products on the market that claim they can treat or cure diabetes. The question you may want to ask is whether these claims are valid. The simple answer is: only treatments that are approved by the FDA are ensured to be both effective and safe.

Every day people who suffer from diabetes are hounded with advertisements that claim teas, supplements, spices, and other products will cure diabetes. Sometimes the information comes from friends or families with good intentions. You may also come across this information on websites, lacking support by scientific research or other medical evidence.

In this post, we look at some common types of fraudulent diabetic treatment claims, as well as signs that may indicate that a given product is not what it appears.

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Diabetes 101: Diabetic Alert Dogs Monitor Your Blood Sugar Level

older man with black and white diabetic alert dog

Managing your diabetes can be stressful and overwhelming. What if you could find extra help to assist you with diabetes management?

It’s not a new device or therapy, but a professionally trained diabetic alert dog. These special animals are smart and loyal. When you bring one into your life, he’ll love you wholeheartedly, and you’ll wonder how you ever got along without him.

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The Keto Diet: Is It Safe for Diabetics?

nuts spelling out "KETO" surrounded by keto-friendly foods: avocado, fish, etc.

There have been plenty of variations of low-carb diets over the years, including South Beach, Atkins, and paleo – aka, eating foods similar to those our hunter-gatherer Paleolithic ancestors ate.  The most recent member of the club is the ketogenic or keto diet.  You may have seen the terms “keto” or “keto friendly” begin to appear on tortillas, snack foods, and other items at the grocery store.  You may remember seeing keto magazines at the checkout counter or keto cookbooks at Barnes & Noble.  You might even have friends and members of your family who have “gone keto” and talk about benefits ranging from weight loss to feeling less tired.

So what exactly is this “keto” thing all about, and is it safe for diabetics to try?

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The Insulin Centennial: Diabetic Care over the Last 100 Years

illustration of diabetic care items (insulin bottle, glucose meter, etc.)

August 2021 marks 100 years since the discovery of insulin. Before insulin was discovered, a diagnosis of diabetes would be seen as a death sentence. The only remedies available at that time were very restrictive low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets. These regimens could extend patients’ lives by a few years, but they would still ultimately succumb to the disease. They also made diabetic patients very weak and could even lead to starvation.

Simply put, the discovery of insulin helped save many lives—as it continues to do today.

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Diabetes Health: What is the importance of wearing diabetic socks?

nurse checking patient's blood sugar

People who have diabetes are more likely to have problems with poor blood flow (circulation) or loss of feeling (sensation) in their feet. Poor circulation to the foot may lead to sores that are slower to heal. Loss of feeling or sensation is caused by damage to the nerves in the lower legs and feet.

Diabetic socks provide extra protection to help people with diabetes for their feet and avoid injury. Complications from diabetes can result in reduced blood flow to the feet as well as an increased risk of infections and other issues, and these socks are an easy way to help protect your feet. Continue Reading Diabetes Health: What is the importance of wearing diabetic socks?

What Can Diabetics Eat for Snacks?

snacks for diabetics

Living with diabetes means making a lot of changes. You need to monitor your blood sugar, get special diabetic socks, and change your diet.

That includes snacking. When most people think of snacks, they picture the little package of M&Ms waiting for them in their desk, or the bag of chips calling to them from the pantry.

But when you have diabetes, snacking becomes trickier. You need to choose things that will help you control your blood sugar levels.

That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a lifetime of bland, boring food. Here are a few snacks for diabetics that are as healthy as they are enjoyable.

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7 Things to Do After Being Diagnosed with Diabetes

how to live with diabetes

Getting diagnosed with diabetes can be a shattering experience, but it’s not something you have to handle alone.

Other people have been where you are now, and they’ve gotten through it. It’s just a matter of finding the right resources. If you’re wondering how to live with diabetes, it starts by following these steps.

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