January News Roundup for Diabetic Socks Users

Stay Active - Stay HealthyThere are numerous stories about advances in diabetes treatment, growing awareness of the number of people who are at risk for these conditions and how to limit the potential complications that can include heart problems, kidney disease and even blindness. Here are some recent stories that the team at DiabeticSock.com wanted to highlight for our customers as they look for a holistic plan to manage their condition.

States Expect Spike in Type-2 Diabetes Diagnoses

Mississippi is a state with a larger problem with obesity than Pennsylvania, but the ramifications of men and women carrying excess weight has the potential to become a national epidemic. Doctors in that state say that up to one in three adults there could be diagnosed with diabetes and suffer the chronic condition in the next 15 years. That would be nearly triple the current incidence rate.

Currently, about one in three people with obesity is diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and numerous studies have demonstrated a link between problems with weight control and increased insulin sensitivity. While those statistics are significant, they are also important for people who have already been diagnosed with the condition. Further issues with complications can be reduced with proper adherence to diet and exercise regimens. In families who are predisposed, helping a parent or relative maintain healthy habits can limit the potential for children to be diagnosed with diabetes later on. Continue Reading January News Roundup for Diabetic Socks Users

Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

Diabetic socks, compression socks

Compression Socks – basic diabetic care products to help avoid complications.

When patients are first diagnosed with insulin sensitivity, they can find a bevy of information online and advice from their doctor regarding the basics such as the complications of risks of heart disease and blindness, kidney damage. Further, the common treatments include medications that help promote pancreatic cell growth in addition to dietary and other lifestyle changes. With the advent of research on other systems in the body and related disorders, it is important to be aware of these rarer issues for people with type-2 diabetes or who were diagnosed as children.

Get Teeth Checked and Consistent Periodontal  Care

There is mounting research that taking care of one’s teeth and gums play a key role in immune health and limiting the potential for complications from diabetes and other diseases that develop as people age. While there are some questions about the limits of the efficacy of periodontal interventions, the professional association of these medical professionals note that “intensive treatment” can still play a role in helping diabetic patients achieve their goals for glycemic control because, as Dr. Stuart J. Froum told DentistryIQ, “a number of population suggest … there is indeed a relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease.” More research may help understand how these links work. Continue Reading Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

Don’t Give Up on Type-2 Diabetes Diet Recommendations

Most nutritionists and health experts will say that slow and steady efforts to control your weight will lead to the most success. For many patients who have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, however, Diabetes and Exercisetheir doctor will have told them that obesity can cause significant problems and lead to frustration if they see setbacks. New research indicates that they should hold off on quitting their diet and workouts using diabetic socks to minimize sores.

The Study

Researchers in Sweden recently completed a nearly two-year-long study to monitor the benefits of a diet low in carbohydrates for 22 months. They found that patients who kept up with their meal plans saw benefits regarding their weight (either maintaining or in many cases getting closer to their goal) as well as blood sugar levels for the entire period.

It’s true that some patients plateaued after six months in terms of weight loss and fasting serum glucose levels, but there were still no reported cardiovascular events compared to a control group. Those side effects are some of the most common for diabetes patients.

The Takeaway
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New Studies Indicate Importance of Exercise, Diet for Type-2 Diabetes Patients

Diabetes Socks - Circulation SocksRecent research on cardiovascular health and problems with blood sugar have focused on preventing insulin sensitivity rather than how to help people who have type-2 diabetes cope with their condition. However, at least one study published in the British Medical Journal found that people with this chronic condition may be able to reduce the risk of future heart disease by working out, whether or not one uses specialized clothing including diabetes socks.

The Findings of Exercise to Minimize Cardiovascular Disease in Patients

Scientists and medical professionals at the London School of Economics, Harvard Medical School and Stanford University analyzed several dozen trials. They found that there was a similar efficacy for people who exercised regularly in limiting the effects of heart disease, as well as those who were at risk of developing type-2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.

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Diabetes Socks and Diabetes Statistics

Healthy Sole SocksFor people who are diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in their adult years, there are a range of conditions that they need to be aware of, including reduced feeling in their extremities that can be aided with the help of diabetic socks. However, statistics show that without proper care, blindness and kidney disease are also significant factors.

Incidence of Diabetes in the United States

According to the American Diabetes Association, roughly 26 million people suffer from diabetes, yet seven million of those have an undiagnosed condition. Up to 80 million may be at risk for the disease depending on what risk factors are used. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans and those of Puerto Rican descent are all more likely to develop the condition.

People who urinate very frequently and/or feel thirsty or hungry during eating may have pre-diabetes. Other symptoms of the condition can include massive weight fluctuations or fatigue caused by the body struggling to regulate blood sugar levels. Those with some or all of these symptoms may want to consult with a doctor so that if they are diagnosed quickly, they can begin preventive care that can include diabetic socks.

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Ways to Improve Your Health When You Have Type-2 Diabetes

Diabetic socks, diet, exercise and a host of other tasks can come like a deluge when a doctor diagnoses you with type-2 diabetes and describes what steps you need to take. Sometimes, though, knowing why each of these will help you manage this chronic condition may make it easier to keep up with a plan to manage your blood sugar sensitivity.

Diabetic Socks, Neuropathy and Sores

Seamfree xtra socksClothing might not seem like it is an important factor for type-2 diabetes, but neurological damage can make it difficult to feel your extremities. If fabric rubs wrong against sensitive skin, it can lead to sores or in the case of one’s feet put you at risk for a fungal infection. Diabetic socks combat this by having non-binding tops and wicking fabric. The former reduces rubbing while the latter creates a less inviting home for bacteria and fungi.

Similarly, people who can avoid wearing watches and tight shirts or tops also benefit. Keep in mind that during inclement weather, you may have to strike a balance between protecting from cold and potential frostbite due to decreased circulation and preventing overheating or even sores.

Continue Reading Ways to Improve Your Health When You Have Type-2 Diabetes

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