How to Take Early Control of Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a diagnosis that stays with you for the rest of your life. But by taking the right measures early on, people with diabetes can live longer and healthier.

According to the National Institutes of Health, people who have type 1 diabetes who intensively control their blood sugar early in their illness are likely to outlive those who do not.

“The outlook for people with type 1 diabetes continues to improve,” said
Catherine Cowie, Ph.D., of NIH’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, which funded the study, released in 2015. “These results show that by tightly controlling their blood glucose, people with type 1 diabetes can live longer.”

Once known as “juvenile diabetes”, type 1 typically affects younger people and occurs when the body does not make insulin. People who have type 1 must take daily doses of insulin to live.

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Is There a Stigma on Type-2 Diabetics?

Socks for Type-2 DiabeticsIs there a social stigma attached to type 2 diabetes?

Many people living with the illness would say yes.

In fact, surveys show that many people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes feel judged. According to research from the marketing firm dQ&A:


  • 76 percent of type 1 patients felt stigmatized, compared to 52 percent with type 2.
  • 83 percent of parents of type 1 children said they felt stigmatized.
  • More than half of people with type 2 diabetes who used intensive insulin therapies – multiple injections or a daily pump – felt stigmatized.

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Air Travel Tips for Diabetics

AFO Liner Socks For DiabeticsFrom Labor Day to Thanksgiving to the winter holidays, the last few months of the year give us a lot of reasons to travel.

Traveling can be stressful, and living with an illness like diabetes only adds to the tension. Here are a few tips for staying healthy the next time you take flight.

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How Can Compression Socks Benefit People Without Diabetes?

seniors with diabetic compression socksFoot and leg care is a big part of living with diabetes, which is why Creative Care products such as compression socks are so important.

They’re designed to help relieve aching legs by using a stronger elastic, which helps soothe foot-related discomfort.  They prevent blood clots and can increase circulation, making them useful for patients who are bed-ridden or otherwise inactive.

But are these socks useful for people without diabetes? Ask anyone who’s run a marathon. Runners have used them for years to increase oxygen delivery, prevent cramping and reduce fatigue.

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Summer Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

Follow these tips to keep your feet happy and healthy, all summer long

When you have diabetes, the carefree days of summer aren’t so carefree.

Life with diabetes means you need to take care of your feet, beyond just buying a few pairs of high-quality diabetic socks. Here are a few ways to do that so you can enjoy a healthy and happy summer.

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The Importance of Proper Shoe Fit for Diabetics

Diabetic care includes wearing the proper shoes and footwear.

Finding the right diabetic socks & footwear is one of the bigger decisions we make when it comes to clothing. We want shoes to look good, but we also want them to fit well.

Proper shoe fit becomes even more important for people living with diabetes, as the illness can reduce the amount of blood reaching the feet, causing a number of foot problems.

We’ve got you covered when it comes to diabetic socks and support compression socks, but here are some tips for buying shoes when you have diabetes:

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5 Tips For Caring For Diabetic Feet

Keep your feet happy with these diabetic care tips

When you take care of any part of your body, it takes care of you. But when you live with diabetes, caring for yourself takes on even more importance. This applies, of course, to your diet, but also to your feet.

Having diabetes can mean you get less blood to your extremities, putting you at risk for a number of health problems. At worst, you run the risk of having a toe or a foot or even a leg amputated.

If you or someone you love has diabetes, here are a few foot care tips to keep in mind, whether you’ve just been diagnosed, or are simply trying to take better care of yourself.

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10 Facts about Diabetes and Foot Care

doctor checking feet of diabetic patient

When you have diabetes, chances are you pay more attention to your feet than you otherwise would.

Diabetes can lower the amount of blood reaching your feet, leading to a number of problems, including the ultimate loss of a toe, foot or leg.

Diabetic foot care is too important to ignore. to help you take better care of your feet, here are 10 foot-care tips, courtesy of the National Diabetes Education Program:

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Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

Diabetic socks, compression socks

Compression Socks – basic diabetic care products to help avoid complications.

When patients are first diagnosed with insulin sensitivity, they can find a bevy of information online and advice from their doctor regarding the basics such as the complications of risks of heart disease and blindness, kidney damage. Further, the common treatments include medications that help promote pancreatic cell growth in addition to dietary and other lifestyle changes. With the advent of research on other systems in the body and related disorders, it is important to be aware of these rarer issues for people with type-2 diabetes or who were diagnosed as children.

Get Teeth Checked and Consistent Periodontal  Care

There is mounting research that taking care of one’s teeth and gums play a key role in immune health and limiting the potential for complications from diabetes and other diseases that develop as people age. While there are some questions about the limits of the efficacy of periodontal interventions, the professional association of these medical professionals note that “intensive treatment” can still play a role in helping diabetic patients achieve their goals for glycemic control because, as Dr. Stuart J. Froum told DentistryIQ, “a number of population suggest … there is indeed a relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease.” More research may help understand how these links work. Continue Reading Understanding Lesser Known Problems for Diabetes Patients

Don’t Give Up on Type-2 Diabetes Diet Recommendations

Most nutritionists and health experts will say that slow and steady efforts to control your weight will lead to the most success. For many patients who have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, however, Diabetes and Exercisetheir doctor will have told them that obesity can cause significant problems and lead to frustration if they see setbacks. New research indicates that they should hold off on quitting their diet and workouts using diabetic socks to minimize sores.

The Study

Researchers in Sweden recently completed a nearly two-year-long study to monitor the benefits of a diet low in carbohydrates for 22 months. They found that patients who kept up with their meal plans saw benefits regarding their weight (either maintaining or in many cases getting closer to their goal) as well as blood sugar levels for the entire period.

It’s true that some patients plateaued after six months in terms of weight loss and fasting serum glucose levels, but there were still no reported cardiovascular events compared to a control group. Those side effects are some of the most common for diabetes patients.

The Takeaway
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